Sunday, February 22, 2009

The £40 Student Challenge - Week three, living within my means

It gives me great pleasure to be writing this with a hangover. With a little help from my friends I managed to get a bit drunk last night.

It was Tolu’s birthday and I had been saving my last fiver for 3 days so I could buy myself two well deserved pints! However whilst planning the night with Nick we decided the money could go further if we bought some cans beforehand. My fiver got me 5 drinks in the end.

Then I met my housemates who treated me to a couple more drinks. It was just what I needed and much appreciated!

But this is all beside the point.

The good news is that I have change for my £40 this week. In my wallet is 25p which I will re-invest into next week’s budget to get myself a real treat - Maybe a fudge bar!

The key to my success this week has been not buying any food or drink out. I have had packed lunch, complete with orange squash every day and have snacked on apples and oranges instead of chocolate buttons and cake. This has been the first week in quite some months that I have not had a boots lunch.

I still need to refine my spending on my shopping though. My arithmetic failed me while walking round Somerfield this week and I ended up spending £27 on Monday when I thought I had £20 of shopping in my hand. Careful scrutiny of the receipt showed it was me who had made the mistake and not the cashier. Still, I think this is the best I have done in terms of balanced lifestyle and balanced spending.

I am now £8.21 over my budget with a week to go. Will I do it? I just can’t bare the suspense.

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