Saturday, February 16, 2013

Review of 2012 - the Olympic year

Review of 2012
Better late than never as they say. And besides, I’ve still not seen Nida Rasheed’s review of 2012 which is usually what prompts me to write mine – I hope she is not breaking what has now become a time honoured tradition.

So 2012, you weren’t too bad all in all. Looking back at last year’s review, it seems like I was a little unfulfilled at the end of 2011. But 2012 has been better – I’m fitter, I’m happier, the Olympics were on my doorstep and there are about to be some big changes in my life. Hopefully things will continue in the same vein. But we shall see.

Make my relationship work
Be there for my friends and family
Establish myself quickly in my new job
Have an opinion and share it
Get out of debt and start saving
Pass my photography diploma
 Run the New York Marathon in 3:30
 Become a single figure golfer again
Write more than 30 blogs
 Learn to play 100 songs on the guitar


1.    What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?
-          Ran a marathon – 3 marathons in fact
-          Gambled in Vegas
-          Saw the Olympics
-          Went to Lords to watch a Test Match

2.    Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
After having the same resolutions for about the last ten years, I finally made a bit of progress this year – a bit being the operative word. I don’t think this was because I had an especially productive year, but more was the result of ten years of trying.

So to summarise…

1) Run a marathon – I did run the Brighton Marathon….and the Milton Keynes and Florence marathons… and the Stroud, Ealing and Isle of Wight half marathons…. And the London 10K…..and the London duathlon. I spent a lot of time running last year, and feel much better for it.
2) Pass my driving test – I did finally pass my driving test in May of this year despite an emergency stop by the instructor and an incident with a hedge as I reversed around a corner. The next step is to actually drive.
3) Get promoted – I did. But I’m not that proud of that – it took way too long. Hopefully I can start a little faster in my new job.
4) Break 76 – I can only think I played golf a couple of times this year. I want to prioritise this, this year – it’s about time I returned to something that I really love.
5) Become a photographer – I wouldn’t say I’m a photographer, but I did go on a professional course at the London School of Photography and I am in the middle of completing an online diploma – whether I will pass it or not hangs in the balance. That’s definitely a priority for the first few months of 2013.
6) Go on an adventure – I have been on a couple of trips to the USA – but I think an adventure meant go and live in Australia. That’s not going to happen now, at least for another year. But I do want to go on an adventure within the next couple of years before I get too old for one.
7) Blog and tweet – Blogging has fallen by the wayside a bit in 2012. And judging by the length of time it has taken for me to post this, it’s something I need to pull my socks up on. Hopefully I will have more time for it in 2013.
8) Learn to play 100 new songs on the guitar – Fits and starts on the guitar. I definitely haven’t learnt 100 songs.
9) Save money – I’m getting better at this and am definitely better at managing my cash. But two trips to the US including the most expensive couple of days of my life in Vegas means I haven’t saved much!
10) Have a better work/life balance – I definitely improved my work / life balance, but still finished the year spending too much time working and not enough time doing other important things to me. Hopefully, in my new job, I will find a better balance.

3.    Did anyone close to you give birth?
-          No

4.    Did anyone close to you die?
-          No

5.    What countries did you visit?
-          USA – I went twice, visiting Tallahassee, San Francisco, New York, Washington and Miami.

-          I also went to Wales.

6.    What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012? 
-          A healthier diet
-          Better control of my finances
-          Sky Sports – still unlikely, but it’s an aspiration

7.    What date from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I never remember the dates, but three good ones were….
-          All of the marathon dates. Brighton was great because it was my first marathon and all of my family were there. Milton Keynes was dark, because of the appalling weather, but I’m still so pleased that I finished. And Florence was brilliant because it was beautiful and it was my best time!
-          Super Saturday and Super Sunday from the Olympics – I was watching Team GB lose in the football to South Korea when Farah, Rutherford and Ennis took gold but followed every minute with my pocket radio. And then I was at my grandparents when Murray smashed Federer and Ainslie smashed ‘The Dane’
-          26th December – Because Jenna came home and she was so happy and it was a great family Christmas day, which I cherish more as I get older.

8.     What was your biggest achievement of the year?
-          Definitely the marathons – not really in running them, but in how disciplined I was in training for them.
-          I’m also pleased that I managed to get my new job

9.    What was your biggest failure?
-          Again, I always think I should be moving faster at work, although I am a little happier with where I am this year compared to last year
-          My main failure is still eating too much rubbish and not being able to cook. At 29, I need to get that part of my life in order.

10.  Did you suffer illness or injury?
-          Nothing major….thank goodness

11.  What was the best thing you bought?
-          Again, as I get older the joy of giving has started to outweigh the joy of receiving….so I would say the pink pyjamas that I bought Jenna are my best purchase. I also discovered Curb Your Enthusiasm through an impromptu which is nothing short of outstanding!

12.  Whose behaviour merited celebration?
-          Emad Nadim’s general behaviour always warrants celebration. I will miss that BC when I move
-          Loads of Olympians, especially the cyclists.

13.  Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
-          Lance Armstrong – such a shame that what seemed like a perfect story was in fact pure fabrication.

14.  Where did most of your money go?
-          Vegas…..worth it though.

15.  What did you get really, really, really excited about?
-          Both of my trips to the USA to see Jenna
-          The New York Marathon, which is a shame as it didn’t happen. But I did look forward to that for weeks
-          Christmas….obviously.  

16.  What song will always remind you of 2012?
-          I found Biffy Clyro this year. I was a bit late to that party, but their songs are probably the ones I associate most with 2012 – The Captain.

17.  Compared to this time last year…
I. are you happier or sadder?


II. thinner or fatter?
Thinner (although fatter than 3 months ago)

III. richer or poorer?
Very slightly richer.

18.   What do you wish you’d done more of?
-          Played golf
-          Eaten green things
-          Saved my money
-          Blogged
-          Been on time

19.   What do you wish you’d done less of?
-          Worked

20.  Did you fall in love in 2012?
-          No need.

21.  How many one-night stands?
-          None

22.  Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
-          No

23.  What was the best book you read?
-          Difficult to say – I really enjoyed Steve Jobs’ autobiography. As it was written by a third party who had unique access to him it was amazing honest both about his qualities and his downfalls. Great story
-          I’ve also just finished Chavs by Owen Jones. I do agree with the sentiment (if not everything he says), but the great thing about it is how passionate and angry he is about issues that define our society – which really comes across from the book.

24.  What was your greatest musical discovery?
-          Biffy Clyro… I think I’m about to properly discover Fleetwood Mac also.

25.   What did you want and get?
-          A place in the New York Marathon

26.   What did you want and not get?
-          Sky Sports 

27.  What was your favorite film of this year?
-          Cloud Atlas

28.  What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
-          I flew home from Miami on my birthday and then went out on the town with all of my St Neots friends. It was a fun affair. I couldn’t keep my bacon sandwich down the morning after.

29.  What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
-          More time…

30.  How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
-          Moving in to middle age. I walk into TopMan these days and I can’t relate to any of it. I walk into House of Fraser or Aldo and I feel much more at home.
-          I still don’t buy anything that’s not in a sale.

31.  What kept you sane?
-          Emad Nadim. I couldn’t go on without him.

32.  Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
-          No idea.

33.  What political issue stirred you the most?
-          I’m getting more apathetic about political issues as opposed to stirred. The one I remember most is the Government’s Chief Whip calling a police officer a pleb. I think this was the perfect example of as much as David Cameron tells people that the Tory party aren’t the party of the privileged and are progressive and respectful of the working class, that for the majority of the party this simply isn’t true.

34.  Who did you miss?
-          The Pakistani family
-          Some members of my family – Mandy Head

35.  Who was the best new person you met?
-          Some good people have joined Blue Rubicon – that’s the only place I seem to meet new people these days.

36.   Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012  
-          Make the most of the good times…because a bad time could always be around the corner.