Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Making the argument for a kitten

Someone at work sent round an email about a friend who was giving away kittens yesterday. I forwarded it on to my housemate, Emad, jokingly saying we should get one.

He agreed. He wanted the one with the white bib and white socks on his feet. And this is how he argued for a new addition to our household:

So I have done a thought exercise.

- it won't live as long as tortoises
- it will bring scene
- it will guard the house
- chicks will dig it
- great conversation point. fantastic social currency
- we can dress him up for halloween and he'd win best costume
- we can feed him burgers and pizza
- If we even get a rats infestation...
- We can take him to cross-continental for road trips
- We can start a facebook album
- At least the milk will never go bad..

- ....

- We aren't allowed it (we don't like being homeless)
- It needs to be fed (we are poor)
- It will poo and pee all over the place (altho we can punish it)
- Even he might leave us one day (potential for a new low in life!)
- We could step on it (and injure our foot)

I mean the numbers speak for themselves.

I think that is some of the best thinking I have come across all year.

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