I moved house and didn’t have the internet for a month. Tragic I know. But it actually turned out to be quite liberating. The laptop was packed away, I spoke more to my housemate and even read a book.
But today the internet is back and immediately reminded me of the time wasting journeys I used to make online.
Whilst on-hold waiting to get my wireless network password, I had the pleasure of listening to a catchy number with the line ‘hey soul sister’.
A simple google search brought up that it was a Train song and easily accesible on YouTube. After that the YouTube brain suggested that I might like to listen to a cover of the song. Usually I wouldn’t bother, but YouTube was right, a cover version would be welcome.
From there I went to the cover artist's Facebook page listened to a few more songs and even looked up how to play ‘hey soul sister’ on the guitar. I then blogged about it.
One song. One hour. How I’ve missed you internet